Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The stress, the fear and my body

I've decided long ago to use this blog to help people understand what it's like dealing with my type of disability on daily basis. It might be embarrassing and it can get  private, but I feel the only way I can create some kind of awareness is by being able to talk about myself honestly. I have always feared large dogs. Loud, unexpected noises make me jump. I'm not sure if this is a Cerebral Palsy thing, but I have seen children with my condition freeze up in panic every time an animal came along, even at a distance, a siren went off, a balloon popped or a firework exploded. I've seen kids react like that even  to things we don't really consider threatening like horses and dachshunds. It's not simply that you're afraid of something and your heart is rushing. The feeling makes your entire body tense and stiff, that makes it more difficult to compose yourself. Often it feels like you're fighting your own physicality to make a movement. I don't really have that reaction to most animals anymore, especially at a safe distance. But I used to ride horses as a child, and one of the things you have to do to allow the therapeutic benefits of interacting with them is relax and trust them and letting your tensions go. I had a dog as a child and my parents decided I should have it exactly for that reason- to have my fear of dogs lessen. Now, that doesn't mean than that whenever a pony-sized puppy gets too close I feel comfortable. Dogs sense fear and discomfort and you never know how they will react when  they see a wheelchair if they have never seen one.

Just yesterday a girl let her dog run loose  outside my door and when she asked me if I wanted to pet it, I said: No, and I'd appreciate it if you kept it away from me.  But other things make me tense up even more. Whenever I need to focus on something that requires a great level of precision or care, like spooning instant coffee into a cup that I don't wan't to have all over my counter or holding a glass with boiling hot liquid or a plate on my legs hat may fall off or break. I remember giving a speech in Hungary 11 years ago at the Central European University and while my upper body seemed cool and collected, my legs were involuntarily moving up and down under the table. I was hit by a bus during my first semester in America while crossing the street. I wouldn't attempt it by myself for many months.

Even today there are times when this feeling comes  over me when I notice, "Oh, I'm in a crosswalk". And my right arm gets stiff and heavy, the feeling  of panic comes over me and I have to really press myself to work through it and move. This is what happens when I take a time-pressured exam. My limbs gets stiff, I get red spots all over my face and chest and I'm fighting my body to work with me. The more I do things, the more I'm accustomed to things, the less is at stake or the less personal it is the less it happens. John Quinn in his book "Someone like me" says every move of a CP person is planned. He was born with it, but always walked walked and was able to conceal it. I wouldn't  go that far, but I'm definitely more aware of when  I move and how I move and it requires more effort, especially if I need to transfer or balance my center  of gravity or switch positions.

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