Monday, January 4, 2016

Come Volunteer with us!

It's a New Year and for us at the Florida Disability Access and Awareness Foundation- an anniversary. We formed the nonprofit in January 2013. And it feels like every January we come back from the Christmas celebration with a new vision and a renewed sense of mission. Last year around this time we got our 501(c)(3) determination. This time we have a clearer idea of where we are and we deal with better articulated projects. We want to work with businesses. We have an idea for a one-stop disability resource portal and we want to pursue our wheelchaired for a day video project and develop inspiring tales of regular people dealing with inaccessible cities into a full fledged documentary series. But it's also time to start over. To regroup.   To recruit new blood. This time we're reaching out to journalism, computer science, marketing and architecture students, all majors relevant to what we're trying to build. We are able to satisfy a community service requirement or a volunteer coursework credit. We'll even consider structuring an internship. Because we need help to move our matters along while students could really benefit from working with a living breathing nonprofit and interacting with disability issues, up  close. Santa Fe? UF? No problem. Please review the following postings: Videographer    PR Coordinator Marketing  Copywriter and join us!

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